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Forest Bathing & The Yogic Science of Breath/ Vorarlberg

Location: Vorarlberg/ Bregenzer Wald, Austria

Catching the best Prana from the pristine forest & mountain air of the Bregenz Forest to recharge our batteries, developing and strengthening our respiratory system and our Spirit as a result.

  • The Importance of Correct Breathing Habits

  • The Exoteric Theory of Breath & the Esoteric (Yogic) Theory of Breath

  • Identifying the Most Common Unnatural and Adopted Breathing Patterns

  • Discovering One's Breathing Pattern and Developing a Strategy to Correct It

  • The Complete Yogic Breath

  • Yogic Rhythmic Breathing

  • Forest Bathing (Hiking) & Intermittent Hypoxic Training at an Altitude of 1640m

  • Lodging in a charming authentic village of the Bregenz Forest after spending ample time outdoors

  • Hearty Dinner @Hotel Hirschen Schwarzenberg (regional but creative, the best Käsespätzle)

March 17

Reflexion: “Psychoanalyse und Yoga” / Oscar A.H.Schmitz